We believe that grace and growth are bonded together and is the context by which transformation happens. As NewPeople, we offer a radical invitation to all people; we show radical hospitality to all people; we respond with a radical embrace of all people; we render a radical love for all people; and we stand with a radical boldness for all people. Therefore, we strive to radically greet so that everyone can experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ.
Serving is a discipleship tool that shapes not only the church but those who serve. We are committed to helping you see serving as a way to grow in your relationship with God and as a part of your journey of transformation.
When it comes to serving, however, we tie the work that we do inside the church to the mission outside the church. We want you to see serving inside the church as a starting point that angles toward the community. Our goal is to serve our community in such intentional and significant ways that our presents is expected, needed, and missed if ever gone; we want to pour the love of Christ of the pavements of our neighborhood. And we see it as a great way to serve God and the church to do so.